New Lavliqe Collaboration is out!
We've been working on this collaboration behind the scenes for a while now. I met the amazingly funny and talented Lavliqe at Tampere Kuplii comic festival in the spring, where she was making balloon dogs and noticed that I was selling balloon dog earrings. We joked about it and I ended up receiving a balloon dog myself. In the summer I came up to her at Hypecon suggesting we do a collab together at some point. I had been thinking for a while that I'd like to try a different kind of collab - not one with a business, but a person, an influencer, and see what we could come up with together. Fast forward to the end of the summer and we started planning our collaboration series!
I fell in love with Lavliqe's social media persona and characters, and I love the way she incorporates both drawing and animation with voice acting and live performance in her content. Just enough sassiness and dark humor to suit my personal taste! The dark clown aesthetic was also very inspiring to me. I wanted to include the Lique -character and her aesthetic as much as possible, as well as the clown duck that had become another staple to Lavliqe's character. We also wanted to include the balloon dogs - as they are an important part of her performances at events.

We started coming up with ideas for products that we would try out and we ended up launching the collection with a total of 13 different items! That's way more than I usually start a new collection with. We also have some ideas that we didn't include in the collection yet, which may make an appearance at a later date.
For the launch of our collaboration, we had Lavliqe visit our booth at Helsinki Book Fair last weekend. She was brilliant at meeting fans and making balloon dogs for kids at our joined booth with Puolenkuun Pelit game shop. Everyone was so excited to meet her and to see our collaboration - it was a huge success!